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Saturday 1 April 2017

How To Make Money Blogging

Making money through blogging is no strange thing anymore , many people start blogging daily for reasons best know to them which might be knowledge , wealth , pleasure or fame . But most a time, money is the main reason people nowadays blog . I will be showing you some cool ways to make money on your blog with or without Google AdSense in 2017.

Here Are Some Ways To Make It Big Time Blogging

1. Product Marketing And Adverts Placement

Is your blog traffic good but Google AdSense keeps turning down your proposal ? Why not Get People To Place Their Products or Services Adverts On Your Blog . You can generate huge revenue from adverts and promotions especially if your blog traffic is overwhelming.

ALSO READ ; How To Step Up Your Business In 2017

2. Become An Affiliating Agent

It is easy to sell things where there are crowd , your blog must be crowded in other to be an affiliating agent , becoming an affiliating agent is free all you have to do is find the right product or service to affiliate . for instance , you run a blog about blogging tips , tricks , how to , beginners guide , tutorials etc you should look for products like domain providers and theme providers to affiliate.

3. Sponsor Posts

Get people to write on your blog for a token .Companies , Business owners , Event Planners will love to pass across information to targeted sets of people via your blog . Try to build a blog that will make people pay to use it .

4. Sell Stuff

You can start by selling contents originally written by you , products you know your users will love to buy , ideas can be sold so start selling ideas .

5.Use AdNetworks

Adnetworks is the most used way to making money blogging because it is simple, straightforward and idle . You just need to sign up with one or two adnetworks , place adcodes on your blog , let your users click willingly . Google AdSense is regarded as one of the most efficient,trusted but hard to get adnetwork out there. however , there are some cool alternative link propeller ads,media.net,infolinks etc .

6. Start A Paid Tutorials

Sharing your knowledge for free is one of the best gift one can offer but there are some knowledge that even Google don't have listed on there database . what am I saying some topics became Google top search query because of the unique content and the unavailability online. If you have a particular knowledge or better understanding about something why not start a paid membership tutorials on it.

You can make some cool , clean cash via blogging . Sales of ebooks , themes and others self writing products can help generate income for you and your blog in 2017 .

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  3. thanks for the comments ....

  4. Great article with great points there on how to make cool cash blogging. It's quite true that we can make money legitimate and sustainable money blogging. But, must people quit and fail because, there expect it to be a start today get paid tomorrow. Blogging all a way to the top, where you now make money solely from your blog is never a short term product... It takes passion, motivation, dedication, patient, consistency, perseverance and the right mindset to get on top of your make money online blogging business. Sound threatening? It's simple no doubt..Read 7 secrets of a successful blogging exposed.

  5. I have tried a lot of online programs but affiliate marketing and blogging is simply the best.


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